Game Textures

For various games, I've created a wide range of textures, including weapon skins, character skins, and vehicle skins. I've also included some terrains that I've textured, which you can see on this page.

Vehicle Textures

Skins have become a significant aspect of modern gaming, allowing players to customize their weapons, characters, vehicles, and more. For Front Runner, we aimed to offer a wide range of unlockable skins. Each skin shown below was meticulously created in Photoshop. Given that the textures are 2D while the car models are 3D, achieving the desired results required considerable trial and error to perfect the designs.

most used tools



For the game D-Day Enhanced, we aimed to provide players with a variety of unlockable content, such as weapon skins, new characters, and character skins. I enjoy generating new ideas, so I was tasked with creating additional skins for our existing models and developing concepts for new characters.



At one point we wanted to make a zombie mode for D-Day Enhanced. I used two of the characters we had and turned them into zombies. I didn't create a bump, normal, or any other kind of texture map, because we never continued with this project. It was only possible to change the texture (no model changes), so the teeth were painted on the character.

Photoshop Texturing

The textures for the characters were created in Photoshop. While Substance Painter is typically used for texturing 3D models, we didn’t have a license for it at the time. Creating textures in 2D was challenging, but I eventually got the hang of it.


All the terrains for the maps I create need to be textured. I use the Unity Terrain Toolkit for this purpose. Texturing terrains is important because painted paths can guide players to the fastest routes or help them stay on track.

most used tools


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